Electron Microscopes

  2005 NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Program

[Optical Microscopes
[Electron Microscopes] 
[Particle Accelerators] 


Instead of using photons, electron microscopes take advantage of the more powerful electrons to probe matter even deeper than optical microscopes.  The electron beams produced by these microscopes can be focused and guided in order to scan or transmit through materials, giving the user a much higher magnification and resolution than optical microscopes. 

Electron microscopes can be divided into two basic types: transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) and scanning electron microscopes (SEMs).  Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.  It is possible to probe deep enough to see atomic structure using a TEM!

To see pictures obtained by using an SEM and a TEM, go to the “pictures” menu from the RET home page.  To learn more about the electron microscopes, check out the following PowerPoint presentation.

Electron Microscope.ppt