University of Minnesota
Institute of Technology
myU OneStop

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Photonic Nonreciprocity

Miquel Levy
Physics and Materials Science
Michigan Technological University


This talk will discuss the physical basis of nonreciprocity in magneto-photonics and some of its applications to on-chip photonic devices. Optical isolation based on the Faraday and the nonreciprocal phase-shift effects will be explained. The talk will also discuss novel phenomena such as the extension of coherent quantum transport to the optical regime, as well as nonreciprocal Bloch oscillations, and their application to high-performing on-chip photonic isolators and circulators.


Miguel Levy is Professor of Physics and Materials Science at the Michigan Technological University.  His research centers on integrated photonics.  In 2007 he received the Michigan Tech Research Award for excellence in scientific research and in 2012 he was elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America.  In 2007 and 2008 he was appointed Visiting Professor at the Toyohashi University of Technology in Toyohashi, Japan. Before joining the MTU faculty in March 2000, Dr. Levy was a Senior Research Scientist in the Applied Physics Department at Columbia University.  Professor Levy obtained the Ph.D. degree at the City University of New York in 1988 under Professor Myriam Sarachik, an M.S. degree from Cornell University and B.S. Summa Cum Laude from Duke University, all in Physics.