University of Minnesota
Institute of Technology
myU OneStop

Anand Gopinath 2013

Anand Gopinath


Area of expertise: RF/Microwave circuits and components, integrated optics,
metamaterials, MRI systems.

D.Eng., EE, 1978, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Ph.D., EE, 1965, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Contact information
Office: 6-129 Keller Hall
Telephone: (612) 625-3054
E-mail: gopinath (at)

Fellow - IEEE (1990)
Fellow - OSA (2002)
Fellow - IET (London) (1982)

The research areas of my group are optoelectronic devices and photonic integrated circuits; high-speed and RF/microwave circuits, and antennas; Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems. The optoelectronics research is in high-speed lasers, laser amplifiers, optical modulators, and modeling of optical waveguides, lasers and laser amplifiers. We are also working on inverse opals, a three dimensional photonic band structure.

The research in the RF/microwave area is on metamaterial and its use as lenses for antennas, and CMOS RF circuits.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging research is on high field systems for improving image quality and the design of new RF/B1 coils.

Selected publications
J. Kim, A. Gopinath, "Simulation of Metamaterial Using Cubic High Dielectric Resonators in a Low Dielectric Background", Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 76, pp. 115126, 2007.

H.-S. Yoo, Yassine Beaubendir, A. Gopinath, "Analysis of Open waveguides using finite element and boundary element method", IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 44, 7, pp.676-679, 2008.

J. T. Vaughan, L. DelaBarre, C. Snyder, J. Tian, C. Akgun, D. Shrivastava, W. Liu, C. Olson, G.  Adriany, J. Strupp, P. Andersen, A. Gopinath, P.-F. van de Moortele, M. Garwood, K. Ugurbil,  "9.4T Human MRI: Preliminary Results",  Magn. Reson. Med., Vol. 56, pp.1274-1282, 2006.