University of Minnesota
Institute of Technology
myU OneStop

P. Paul Ruden


Area of expertise: Physics of semiconductor materials and devices

D.Sc., Physics, 1982, Max Planck Institute (University of Stuttgart), Stuttgart, FRG

Contact information
Office: 6-115 Keller Hall
Telephone: (612) 624-6350
E-mail: ruden (at)
Research Group Web Site:

My research is directed primarily towards the physics of novel semiconductor materials and devices. The work extends from the analysis of the properties of electronic materials and new device concepts to the development of analytical and numerical models. In addition, my group is involved in laboratory work focusing on high-pressure experiments that shed light on the electrical properties of new semiconductor materials and devices.

Selected publications

"Spin-polarized tunneling through potential barriers at ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor Schottky contacts", D.L. Smith and P.P. Ruden, Phys. Rev. B 78, 125202 (2008).

"Ambipolar electrical spin injection and spin transport in organic semiconductors", M. Yunus, P.P. Ruden, and D.L. Smith, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 103714 (2008).

"Electron transport in semiconducting chiral carbon nanotubes", M.Z. Kauser, and P.P. Ruden, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 162104 (2006).