University of Minnesota
Institute of Technology
myU OneStop

Ulya Karpuzcu2013

Ulya Karpuzcu
Assistant Professor


Area of expertise
Computer architecture, impact of technology on systems

Ph.D., ECE, 2012, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
M.S., ECE, 2009, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
B.S., Computer Engineering (Double Major), 2005, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
B.S., Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, 2004, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Contact Information
Office: 4-155 Keller Hall
Telephone: 612-626-7203
E-mail: ukarpuzc at umn dot edu
Research Group Website:


Processors of today are about to face a power wall. Each technology generation, more and more functionality can be crammed into the unit chip area; however, not all can be utilized simultaneously due to the excessive power demand. We urgently need to find ways to compute more energy efficiently. Our research efforts attempt to improve the energy efficiency of computing in the face of process-technology induced limitations.