
  blue01_next.gifNSF REU
  blue01_next.gifUMN UROP
Honor Students

  blue01_next.gifNSF RET
Summer Assistants

NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Fellows
1998S  Luis Cruz Rivera (Prairie View, TX)
 "Reactive RF Sputtering of Garnet using single patterned targets"
1999S  John Sobtzak (North Dakota State University)
   - "Reactive RF Sputtering of Garnet using dual Y and Fe targets"
2000S  Ryan Cobian (Augsberg College, MN)
   - "Faraday Rotation Measurement Apparatus"
2001S  Jessie Cassada (Loyola U, IL)
   - "Magneto-Optic Integrated Isolators"
2001S  Eric Nordberg (Gustavus Adolfus, MN)
   - "Cobalt Electrodeposistion for use in Nanoporus Structures"
2002S  Patrick McGary (Bob Jones University, SC)
   - "Magneto-Optic glass Waveguides"
2002S  Kathleen McGill (Creighton University, NE)
   - "Iron and Iron-alloy Nanowires"
2002S  Jessica Mukes (Florida A&M University, FL)
   - "Integrating Alumina Nanopores with Semiconductor Substrates"
2003S  Neeta Basantkumar (Widener University, PA )
   - "Fabrication of an Imprint Stamp for Anodized Alumina Nanopores"
2004S  Carl Herickhoff (Notre Dame University, IN)
  - "Growing Nickel Nanowires for Application in Nanosensors"
2004S  Kathryn Kelchner (California Polytechnical State University, CA)
  - "Fabrication and Charaterization of Magnetic Nanowires"
2006S  Chinwendu Enyioha (Gardner-Webb University, NC)
   - "Fabricating Cantilever Beams for application in MEMS and Nanotech"
2006S  Katherine Drain (Manhattan College, NY)
   - "Fabrication of Photonic Waveguides"
2007S  Katie Crawford
2008S  Heather Miller
2010S  Katherine Kuehn
2011S  Jordan Stoltz
2011S  Joe Nelson
2011S  ShengShee Thor
2012S  Sarah Elder

U of M Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
1999S,2001S  Hicham Berrada
2004S,05S  John Reinke
2005S  Jia Zou

2011Sp  ShengShee Thor

Honor Students
2003  Maobei Feng
2004,05  Jia Zou
2008S  Greg Norby
ShengShee Thor
2012S  Leandra Brickson

Undergrad Students
2005,2006,07  Mike Bartusch
2007,08  David Agyeman-Budu
2009S  Michael Delahunt
2009S,09-10  Greg Norby
2010F  Ms Nagin Moktari

NSF RET High School teachers
2002S  Graham Wright (Moundsview High School, MN)
2003S  Martha Rush (Moundsview High School, MN
2004S,05S  Shane Wood (Irondale High School, MN)
2005S  Sarah Horns (Harding High School, MN)
2006S  Doug Bullinger
2006S  Pat Levy
2007S,08S  David Brown
2012S  Francois Nguyen

Summer High School Student Assistants
2001S,02S  Joel Cordes
(Luther Preparatory School, WI)
2002S  Katie Cordes
(Luther Preparatory School, WI)
2003S  Jared Morgan (Mounds View High School, MN)
2004S  David Maiden Mueller (Luck High School, WI)
2005S  Vicka Babashov (Irondale High School, MN)

2006S  Amy Glasow
2007S  Michael Delahunt
2007S  Paul Leger
2011S  Ben Rush
